Sponsor The Career Contessa Newsletter

Launched in 2013, Career Contessa is the largest online career site dedicated to helping women get hired + get paid + advance at work.

Our rapidly growing newsletter helps more than 100,000+ readers and contains:

πŸ’Ό Career advice on personal and professional development topics
🎯 Job opportunities
πŸ“„ Free resources like templates, worksheets, + e-guides
πŸ“Š Salary data + insights
πŸ“£ Recommendations + trending work news

Want to sponsor our newsletter? Here are a few more details:

πŸ“˜ 100,000+ readers
πŸ“¨ 47.7%  average open-rate
πŸ‘† 2% average click-rate
♀️ Majority of audience identify as female
πŸ“… Sent twice a week on Thursday and Sunday

Sponsor Guidelines

We are only interested in working with brands that we strongly believe will have a positive impact on our readers. Products and services in the e-learning, wellness, financial health, productivity, personal and professional development space are a great fit.

Examples of past brands: ZipRecruiter, ZocDoc, Key Bank, Squarespace, BetterHelp, Morning Brew, Chime, LinkedIn, Book Of The Month, TripleTen, SoFi, and many more.

Get Started

Our newsletter is part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network, so everything will be handled by the team at ConvertKit.

If you’re interested in working together, please
fill out this form.

Sponsor The Career Contessa Newsletter 

Launched in 2013, Career Contessa is the largest online career site dedicated to helping women get hired + get paid + advance at work.

Our rapidly growing newsletter helps more than 100,000+ readers and contains:

πŸ’Ό Career advice on personal and professional development topics
🎯 Job opportunities
πŸ“„ Free resources like templates, worksheets, + e-guides
πŸ“Š Salary data + insights
πŸ“£ Recommendations + trending work news

Want to sponsor our newsletter? Here are a few more details:

πŸ“˜ 100,000+ readers
πŸ“¨ 47.7%  average open-rate
πŸ‘† 2% average click-rate
♀️ Majority of audience identify as female
πŸ“… Sent twice a week on Thursday and Sunday

Sponsor Guidelines

We are only interested in working with brands that we strongly believe will have a positive impact on our readers. Products and services in the e-learning, wellness, financial health, productivity, personal and professional development space are a great fit.

Examples of past brands: ZipRecruiter, ZocDoc, Key Bank, Squarespace, BetterHelp, Morning Brew, Chime, LinkedIn, Book Of The Month, TripleTen, SoFi, and many more.

Get Started

Our newsletter is part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network, so everything will be handled by the team at ConvertKit.

If you’re interested in working together, please
fill out this form.

Sponsor The Career Contessa Newsletter 

Launched in 2013, Career Contessa is the largest online career site dedicated to helping women get hired + get paid + advance at work.

Our rapidly growing newsletter helps more than 100,000+ readers and contains:

πŸ’Ό Career advice on personal and professional development topics
🎯 Job opportunities
πŸ“„ Free resources like templates, worksheets, + e-guides
πŸ“Š Salary data + insights
πŸ“£ Recommendations + trending work news

Want to sponsor our newsletter? Here are a few more details:

πŸ“˜ 100,000+ readers
πŸ“¨ 47.7%  average open-rate
πŸ‘† 2% average click-rate
♀️ Majority of audience identify as female
πŸ“… Sent twice a week on Thursday and Sunday

Sponsor Guidelines

We are only interested in working with brands that we strongly believe will have a positive impact on our readers. Products and services in the e-learning, wellness, financial health, productivity, personal and professional development space are a great fit.

Examples of past brands: ZipRecruiter, ZocDoc, Key Bank, Squarespace, BetterHelp, Morning Brew, Chime, LinkedIn, Book Of The Month, TripleTen, SoFi, and many more.

Get Started

Our newsletter is part of the ConvertKit Sponsor Network, so everything will be handled by the team at ConvertKit.

If you’re interested in working together, please
fill out this form.